A Front Yard Gardener's Tales and Adventures

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Squash 2 and GG

The first squash flower has come and gone (Taylor and I ate it). But, don't fret, the next flower will bloom tomorrow. Then, there are a half dozen more coming right after that one. Still no signs of any actual fruit, but like I said before, I'm sure when I plant it outside, it will go crazy.

I've been reading more about this guerrilla gardening idea. Who knew that the Boulder Public Library would have the book 'Guerrilla Gardening: A Manualfesto'? Anyways, I came up with a few possible locations. When I walk to work, I try to take the straightest route possible, cutting through alley ways and yards. It would be cool to scatter seeds (like snapdragons, hollyhocks, and nasturtiums) along the route.

I would also enjoy planting edibles (flowers, greens), specifically plants that are native to Colorado (and therefore need little human care) and that will blend in to the natural environment.

Thus, the GGs can be both visual appeasing and nutritional.

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